Originally Posted by Xeon3D
I'm getting the word "Array" appended to the end of each message and no link to the thread as you can check here:
here's my plugin contents:
PHP Code:
// The array below are the ids of non-public forums, update these to be your admin forum ids or anything non-public by default $excludedForums = array(5,6);
// If you are having trouble getting bitly URL shortening to work... disable it! $useBitly = true;
if (!in_array($foruminfo[forumid], $excludedForums)) { $shortUrl = 'http://www.xeon3d.info/forums/showthread.php?t='.$newpost[threadid];
if ($useBitly) { // http://classes.verkoyen.eu/bitly require_once 'bitly.php'; $bitly = new Bitly('realusernamehere', 'realAPIkeyhere'); $shortUrl = $bitly->shorten($shortUrl); }
$tweet = ''; if (isset($newpost['prefixid']) && $newpost['prefixid'] != '') { $tweet = $vbphrase['prefix_'.$newpost['prefixid'].'_title_plain'].' '; } $tweet .= $newpost['title'].' '.$shortUrl;
// http://classes.verkoyen.eu/twitter/ require_once 'twitter.php'; $twitter = new Twitter('realusernamehere','realpasswordhere'); $twitter->updateStatus($tweet); }
I am having the same problem as him =(
Any solutions so far?
I came across tis error a few mins ago..
it seems related..
Status is a duplicate. on line 204 in /home/cbnoobco/public_html/thesgmall/twitter.php
#0 /home/cbnoobco/public_html/thesgmall/twitter.php(648): Twitter->doCall('statuses/update...', Array, true)
#1 /home/cbnoobco/public_html/thesgmall/newthread.php(514) : eval()'d code(26): Twitter->updateStatus(' Array')
#2 /home/cbnoobco/public_html/thesgmall/newthread.php(514): eval()
#3 {main}
Fatal error: Status is a duplicate. on line 204 in [path]/twitter.php in [path]/vb/vb.php on line 287