Thanks for the upgrade and the new features.. very cool
I've just downloaded and installed, and I've seen a few errors already..
- The shoutbox defaults to idle after a refresh.. this is really annoying

- A refresh defaults to the main shoutbox rather than the chatroom you were in.
- No output appears until AFTER you have made an entry of your own.
- Getting dbase errors : Invalid SQL:
SELECT chatroomid, user.username
FROM dbtech_vbshout_chatroommember AS vbshout
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON(user.userid = vbshout.invitedby)
WHERE vbshout.userid = 1
AND status = 0;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'vbshout.invitedby' in 'on clause'
Error Number : 1054
Oh yes, I see there is a VB38 XML install file too? so this is cool for VB3.8??
Any suggestions appreciated..