Save attachments with original filename - possible?
Is it possible to have vB save attachments with their original filenames at the o/s level?
As it is, vB renames every attachment to a number, which makes it impossible to work with files in the file system. If I want to go in an edit an attachment, you have to first go and find each one in vB, and look up the attachment ID so that you know what the filename is. HUGE pain for my forum setup. Example, I have no ideas what these files are :
240.thumb 5522.thumb 6546.attach 7857.attach 95.thumb
11533.thumb 241.attach 5523.attach 6546.thumb 7857.thumb 96.attach
11534.attach 241.thumb 5523.thumb 6547.attach 7858.attach 96.thumb
11534.thumb 242.attach 5524.attach 6547.thumb 7858.thumb 97.attach
11535.attach etc, etc...
Would it be possible (if I paid a coder of course) to change vB's file attachment system so that it stores files using their original file names ???