I have posted a request in the paid services forum as follows:
We are in need of an Articles forum. There is a mod here for that purpose... you can see it here:
Article Forums Mod Version 1.9
However, if you scroll down that page to post #897 you will see that the modification has a pretty serious bug issue.
The mod in its current state will break your inline attachments and turn them into links.
Several of us using that mod have tried to contact the coder and get him to fix the bug and have also offered to pay him to fix it, but he is completely ignoring us and offering no support for the mod. I am surprised that vb.org allows coders to claim a mod is supported when it is in fact not supported, but that is their choice.
I would like to pay someone to fix the bug in this mod that is breaking inline attachments. I do not see how this could be too seriously complicated to fix, but I am also willing to pay someone to create a new mod like this and post it in the forum for all to use.
It is posted
Maybe someone will be willing to help since this coder is ignoring us.