I tried just adding the date syntax in with the date for the event start time. (I'm not showing the date range, I took out the whole 'from/to' portion.) Here is how I want it to display, and how it currently does display (but the time is off by an hour at the moment):
Saturday, May 1st, @ 9:00 AM
For some reason, it is calculating this with a GMT of -5, when I have a GMT of -6. Both my admincp, user profile, and my calendar have the right time displayed, just not the widget. I CAN go in and hard code a variable for the hour and subtract one from it, however that still screws up my AM/PM display, etc...
Here is the code I'm using to display the starting date and time:
$format = sprintf("%s",date('l, F jS, @ g:i A',$event['dateline_from']));
How can I get this to calculate the correct time? Why doesn't it display the same time as in the calendar itself? How can I fix this?
Any help would be appreciated.
