Now I'm confused! Ok, I couldn't figure out how to get yesterdays events (04-30-10) to display with yesterday's date (they showed 05-01-10), SO I reverted to Cory's original code (without the '>=' mod), the results have me scrathing my head.
I cleared my CMS cache and tested this using a couple different browsers, here's what I found (the top two events listed are actually 04-30-10 events):
NOTHING CHANGED. Which confuses me for two reasons. The first, is since I'm running the original code without the slightest change, why am I the only one claiming to have a problem with this. Second, it was my understanding that events for TODAY would NOT show up with this widget, which is why 4thstar added the '>=' mod.
Is anyone else experiencing similar difficulties?
Another thing that has me scratching my head, is now that the clock reads 12:20 AM, and the day has effectively changed to 05-01-10 (first day of the month) the events listed for TODAY display the correct date (05-01-10) in the widget.
Is this just some sort of "end-of-the-month bug"? Has anyone else noticed this or come up with some sort of work-around?
Help me out here people, I'm confused.
