Originally Posted by COL NIL SATIS
Yes mate ...its installed correctly,all files uploaded and htacess is in forum root ...all files are cmod 777 ....administrative capabilitys are all working fine ....i can post vids etc ...but no one can comment on them including admin ......the vbull we are using is vbull 4.0.3
its in the setup somewhere, wonder if it has something to do with the editor options your running, like ,
it looks like its using quick reply to add the comment. I did notice that when i edited the comment . it didn't save my edited comment and it popped up the
advance editor when i hit that edit button.
so both editors are called on
something is buggy for sure there but, it did allow me to add a comment no problem, i just could not edit the comment i had made.
is there a general setting that controls quick reply and yours isn't set maybe? if your is set to force click it may be that