I have tried to contact Abel to see if he would upgrade Limited attachment downloads from 3.6 to 4.x But i have not received a response yet, and it has been a while. ( And I offered to Pay him also)
Problem: I have all Info and Links added to txt attachments to stop people from doing a "site rape" It seems to be trendy to rape your site and post on their own site. I use Marcos1 must reply before you see attachment and when I see a members name pop up in in top 10 stats 20 times, I know they are rape-ing the site and when I catch them, they are set to miserable. What is needed is to limit the Number of attachments to download in 18 or 24 hours to stop this nonsense. Since Abel seems to have abandoned the 3.6 mod, I really need this Mod made for 4.03
unpaid or paid. Limit attachments by post count won't work because of the Morcos1 Mod Must reply to see attachments.
here is the Mod for reference:
Can anyone help with this Mod? last update on this Mod 2007?