Thanks metalguy!
Still seem to be having the issue and I did notice one other odd thing is that the current users online has spaces so its listed.
user1 , user2 , user3 , user4
instead of
user1, user2, user3, user4, etc
Seems every other vB forum I check it should be the latter and I'm pretty sure it was this was before.
One thing I did notice when viewing the source is it seems to call a template a lot when listing users currently online and with the pip issue mentioned earlier.
<div><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: forumhome_loggedinuser -->
<a href="member.php?u=1"><span style="color:Green">User1</span></a>*
<!-- END TEMPLATE: forumhome_loggedinuser --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: forumhome_loggedinuser -->
, <a href="member.php?u=13"><span style="color:Green">User2</span></a>+
<!-- END TEMPLATE: forumhome_loggedinuser --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: forumhome_loggedinuser -->
, <a href="member.php?u=105">User3</a>+
<!-- END TEMPLATE: forumhome_loggedinuser --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: forumhome_loggedinuser -->
, <a href="member.php?u=502">User4</a>
and the pips in postbit_legacy
Rep: <span id="reppower_349515_1">87</span> <div><span id="repdisplay_349515_1"><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_reputation -->
<img class="inlineimg" src="" alt="User1 does not have much rep yet" border="0" />
<!-- END TEMPLATE: postbit_reputation --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_reputation -->
<img class="inlineimg" src="" alt="User1 does not have much rep yet" border="0" />
<!-- END TEMPLATE: postbit_reputation --><!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: postbit_reputation -->
<img class="inlineimg" src="" alt="User1 does not have much rep yet" border="0" />
Was thinking it may be a CSS screw up somewhere but after noticing this the two areas are not even remotely related.
Thanks again for your help