Originally Posted by jgruberman
1. For the Optimization Settings, which will take less server load? The database or filesystem? I'm running close to a gig of bandwidth a day including this shoutbox, which takes up most of the bandwidth.
File System.
The Database option is actually going away in 5.0, because with the changes to the AOP system it became unmanageable.
Originally Posted by jgruberman
2. I'm having an issue with this displaying the shouts on one of my pages... http://www.dfwsportbikes.org/wiki/. I'm sure it's something with the way the pages integrate together and a piece of code that points to root/shout.php or whatever and the wiki thinks its the root, but hoping you know a quick code mod or snippet to insert/change so it will display the shouts on this page too. Thanks again!
It's only really designed to work on vBulletin-enabled pages.
What's needed is a script name and a template name, the script name is indicated by a
define('THIS_SCRIPT, 'scriptname');
Near the top of the files.