(I've read 200+ comments, ~20 pages.)
A lot of yes, a lot of no, a lot of forehead smacking:
If it is at all possible, I highly recommend that someone take an early post (like in the top three) then edit that post to bundle the solutions together where the solutions are needed most for efficiency.
Possible solutions to "It don't work right!" My findings:
(BTW I'm in the not working crowd.)
If someone could develop a mod that allowed for a 'solutions' bag to hover right where post #2 hovers, or tag a post as a solution and 'float' it, that would certainly be Mod of the Month (MOTM) material. It would fix the issue of digging through long threads with 200+ replies.
The author has an updated version of this but nobody linked to the new version:
Initially, Google and on-site search were kind enough to make this appear to be the only (and most up to date) version.
So here we go, follow that link and don't even think of posting in this thread... unless you're actually running 3.6