I dont understand others are not complaining about this error ??? This is what any user would do:
1. User click reply to post.
2. User paste youtube link in post (code in post now looks like this: *[*URL*]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX80KoTZv9g[*/*URL*])
3. User mark link
4. User click youtube bbcode icon - code now looks like this: [*URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX80KoTZv9g"][YT]
(random stars inserted)
How can you expect the users to figure out for themselves to avoid this
Originally Posted by motorola
I have a probblem when I put some youtube links in my forum,i had installed this mod a few weeks a go,everything was okay untill today !
In Google Chrome works fine,in other browsers show this error
I use the youtube url not the embed code....
What is the probblem?
