Originally Posted by bogley
I just installed this last night, but left it disabled. Looks like it still sent an email to 10 of my members.
I've got no idea what the message said, I hope it was good!
So now I've just set the "Number of users to process during each scheduled task" to 0 instead of 10, hope that works.
Otherwise looks like a great mod. I've just got to build and customize my html message to send. I'll probably send to my members who have been inactive for 60 days, then go from there.
Sounds like you may have had an old version of this mod installed. If it's not enabled, it should not process. You may want to try creating a test user and set it back a few months then process that user manually through the cron job. The default messages that are sent can be seen in the screen shots in the first post.
Thank you for downloading and using the mod though.

Please let me know if you run into any further issues.