(1) Did you see that you can search files by entering 1 letter? This is the death for some servers.
(2) Users who upload a files (that have to be approved) are redirected to the unapproved file and get "no permissions" message.
Quick fix might be:
downloads.php (around line 400)
PHP Code:
else if ($file['modqueue'] == 1 AND !($permissions['downloads2permissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['downloads2permissions']['canmanagemodqueue']))
change into
PHP Code:
else if ($file['modqueue'] == 1 AND ($file['uploaderid'] !== $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) AND !($permissions['downloads2permissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['downloads2permissions']['canmanagemodqueue']))
(3) What happened to the "My Files" Page? Why was it removed?
Thanks for your answer!