Originally Posted by stained
In common with another member I also have ads in my sidebar so I'd like to prevent guests and my non-premium members from collapsing the relevant boxes so there is a need for the facility to hide the collapse buttons.
Many thanks for the mod Allmanai. Could I ask a quick question? I hide other ads from my premium users by wrapping the google script in the following:
PHP Code:
<vb:if condition="!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 29)">
....ad script
<vb:if condition="$adsshown[] = 9"></vb:if></vb:if>
There will no doubt be a simple answer to this question but would you happen to know why the sidebar ads still show despite this code?
It should work except the forumhome
I've answered Peter Ostry to make sidebar permenant but still he didn't reply to tell us if has worked for him or not.
you better control $bbandSBactive in global start and see how it goes.
so if my condition then $bbandSBactive=0;
else $bbandSBactive=1;
Originally Posted by ranz
Awesome mod - well done! :up:
you are welcome