Originally Posted by ismael33
i've a problem:
when i post a title like this: "juan gan? la partida", the tweet is: "juan gan? partida"
another example: "?Qu? verdad esconde", the tweet is: "?Qu?erdad esconde"
any idea?
Originally Posted by milaszewski
Polish characters are displaying incorrectly. Any way of changing it? Please take a look: www.twitter.com/dzwiek
Originally Posted by dbigras
I have a problem. When sending the thread title to Twitter, if there's a french character in the tittle, it cuts the next two characters.
So, for example, ?diteur (which means Editor in french), it would send ?teur (cutting di) from the title.
What's the fix?
Thanks to a lot of help with testing and research from
Miguel Dias, one of our vBulletin.org Hack subscribers at
Wolfshead Solutions (
Mastergumble here at vBulletin.org), we have come up with a solution, which has been added to the
FAQ in the first post.