Hi Da-Vinci, you are talking about a new forum, so it is impossible to measure anything with accuracy in a new forum. I doubt that this plugin has much to do with your current growth, and I believe even the developer should tell you this. Now if you said you added the developers long tail traffic plugin, that would be a different story. Long tail traffic is the only thing VB out of the box is really missing nowadays. A meta tag plugin really has nothing to do with your daily registrations. VB4 out of the box already is dynamically adding the first posts content into the meta description, which even that, is still not necessary, as Google WILL use the most relevant snippet from page information over the meta description. Google will use the meta description for listings IF a more precise snippet cannot be formed.
This plugin does produce a pretty description meta tag, that's all it does. It will not affect major placement of page rankings, if that is what you are thinking. It will literally only ever mean the difference between 1,2 maybe 3 positions, if that, and only ever under very specific circumstances. There is no debate on what the meta description does nowadays, just read any industry experts blog, website, ask them, etc. Go ask Aaron Wall on his forum, as Aaron is pretty much the global industry leader now for everything online marketing related. Pretty, yes... rankings, no.