Originally Posted by Fraggs
So now I have giant boxes with little thumbnails in them. Where would one go to change that? Based on the CSS I'd be willing to bet it's in the default vB code somewhere, just no clue where.
The vB CSS dynamically calculates the div size using the current admincp thumbnail dimensions - unless you've messed with the CSS as a previous poster suggested?
Originally Posted by nishant.soni
I got 2 questions:
1. I own a forum about hollywood+bollywood, so i need a picture gallery where there would be a cover page of "angelina jolly" and when someone clicks on it, they'd be taken to the actual gallery, possible to do?
2. I checked one of the forums that had this plugin, isnt there any "next,previous" button?
Use an Album - which has a cover picture - all part of vB. There are first/previous/next/last buttons on the page navigation (top AND bottom of each page).
Originally Posted by brown12321
Another bug I see is when you select on an option on the navbar, you get the Forum tab as selected. You can select Album Gallery, Picture Gallery, add album, etc and the Gallery tab will never be selected.... Is there a way to fix this?
The pictures and albums are part of the forum - that's why the forum tab is hilit.