Originally Posted by MyChemicalSelf
The update checks for pages that have the "id" of the switch mode button on and disables the chatbox. It was the best i can do until i redesign the template for GCBOS. Its fixed for me so in theory it will work elsewhere.
Languages and Phrases -> Search -> GCBOS -> GO
Edit the one called GCBOS to have what ever you want in it.
Well that may be another problem when GCBOS is used as a shout box widget on the main CMS page, which is where it is working but also killing my Switch Editor button. My GCBOS is also located on my Forum main so if I install this update it will work in neither place?
What I find off if you look at my site is that I have the GCBOS shout box on the main CSS where it is apparently killing my SEM button. I also have the chat on my Forum where it has not effected my SEM button.
Have a look at my site and you will wee what I mean.