Originally Posted by Goomzee
i am not facing any erros using these mod but my videos are not working just show me video link on forum not video except youtube
I notice you also have a modification that affects links on your forum. The one that hides them until you have ten posts. Try disabling that to see if it makes any different.
Originally Posted by zikuta
I re-import the definitions downloaded from this thread (April 10th).
Still having the problem. Any help?
Originally Posted by Stryker412
Originally Posted by clarkstoncracke
youtube changed something a few weeks ago, and this is no longer properly parsing youtube videos
So far all the YouTube links you've sent me are posting on
my board. I can only ask that you all verify that you have removed the content in your Validation Regex, as this was the sole reason the definitions stopped working to begin with. Other than that, verify that you are reediting the post after making the changes, and that you've resynched your cache and, of course, that you're not trying to embed a video that has its embedding disabled by the owner.
Once you've verified all those changes and your still not getting anything, I'll need to have a look at your Admin CP to be of any further help.