I tried to add this as a module as i disabled my cmps and use vbadvanced instead at my site
I added it as a slidermodule.php file to my modules folder for vbadvanced and enabled it and at the top of the page I get this...
ob_start(); echo '
'; echo '
'; require_once './clientscript/slider/slider.php'; echo '
'; echo '
'; $output=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
How to add it as a module?
EDIT: FIXED IT by adding <?php to begining of file and ?> to end of it to make it real php...but now its not showing anything on my homepage...its not working.
My forum id is 6 and here is what I put...
$forumid = array(6); // Set forum IDs here.
$limit = '5'; // Limit the displayed slides
$chars = 120; // Character limit for the slide text, e.g. 100 is 100 characters limit.
$words = 20; // Word limit for the slide text, e.g. 20 is 20 words limit
is that right?