Originally Posted by IR15H
Nice work!
A few bugs/requests after having a quick play with it on my test site; - If Can browse the library is set to No for a user group then hide the navbar from them.
- When adding new comments, 10 seems to be the minimum number of characters allowed, irrespective of the setting in ADMIN CP > Settings > Options > Message Posting and Editing Options> Minimum Characters Per Post. If possible, if a user tries to enter a message that is too short then it should say what the minimum length allowed is (rather than just "too short").
- Attempting to edit a comment returns an error of "The comment you have entered is far too short and has been rejected." (regardless of comment length).
- There is no way to delete a comment (unless this is done via the "Edit" link?).
- If you enter a comment it displays the message "Your comment has been posted! It will show up shortly..." which remains there even when the message has already shown up and prevents the user from being able to submit another comment (without refreshing the page).
- Error messages (such as "Our records show that this particular media is already in the media library!") don't have 'Back' buttons, so if a user encounters them there's no way to navigate away from it.
- The "Report Media" feature doesn't seem to work.
- Tagging doesn't follow the minimum value set in ADMIN CP > Settings > Options > Tagging Options > Tag Minimum Length.
They're just a few minor things I found but overall very impressive and thanks for your work  .
1. I'll look into it
2. Fixed in new version.
3. Editing comments works fine for me, vb4.0.3... what other mods do you have installed?
4. Yes, deleting comments is done through the edit link.
5. This is BY DESIGN. If you look at YouTube, it does a the same thing. You can only comment on a video once without refreshing. This is a deterrent so that people don't try to spam the comments.
6. The error pages use the built in error system for VB. There is no back button because VB itself does not have a back button built in. A user can simply press the back button on their browser, or use the backspace key to go back a page.
7. Reporting media works fine for me, vb4.0.3... what other mods do you have installed?
8. Fixed in new version.
Originally Posted by mgcom
fuk spoke to soon
everytime i play a vid i get a datebase error emailed to me even though everything is working fine
This bug has been fixed in the newest version.
Originally Posted by TimberFloorAu
Ok Upgraded.
One suggestion, could you rename your zip and upgrade by new version. With more apt version changes please.
Also, great work btw. Can we now delete all media templates apart from new ones: with prefix 8wr_media
If so: please supply a list of all obsolete templates
If you didn't change your templates, the obsolete templates should have been deleted automatically. Anything without "8wr_media" in the front is obsolete.