Originally Posted by Candostum
Thanks very nice mod installed. But How can I add google video?
Right now it only supports: YouTube, Vimeo, MetaCafe, DailyMotion, Veoh, MegaVideo and uStream. I will make a video guide on how to make your own services within the coming weeks.
Originally Posted by rammieone
How can i change the Media Tab in the Navbar to Say something Different??
The system is PHRASED. Look for the global phrase "media" and simply change it to something else.
Originally Posted by Arved Yagami
Thanks for the update. How can I use latin charsets for the comments?
Also, I can change the info for the media, it was a nice feature in the directory video to change the video description (i used to translate info to spanish).
I dont quite understand what you are asking. You can change the description when you add the video. You can also click the "edit media" button on the top right of a media's details page... this link will only show up if you have the appropriate permissions, or the media belongs to you.
Originally Posted by dxds
Very nice!... rating does not work for me..
Okay, the rating bug was caused when I phrases the system and forgot to add the media phrasegroup to the ajax system. It has been fixed in the version I just uploaded...
Originally Posted by dxds
maybe thumbnails could be a bit smaller were 4 would fit on my page..
You can edit the styles in "
css templates >> media.css". Look for the /* MEDIA BIT SMALL */ section and change the width to whatever you see fit.
Originally Posted by HappyFeet
Excellent! I was hoping this would see new life. I pulled our old files from the database without a glitch. Waiting on a fix for the comment buttons...
Comment buttons? Whats wrong with the comment buttons? They work fine for me. It also degrades gracefully when I disable AJAX functions. So if there is an issue, please keep me informed.
Originally Posted by COL NIL SATIS
Very nice mod this is.....is it possible too add categories ??? if so where do you add them ??
You can add categories by clicking on the "Administrate: Categories" link in the media library itself; NOT THE ADMIN CP. This link will only show up if your usergroup has the correct permissions.