The FTP user setup you are using may not be able to set the 777 permissions properly and isn't telling you that with any error message. I had that problem. I went to the hosting control panel and use the file manager application there instead of trying to do it in my FTP app, and set the permissions there,
It then worked!
Originally Posted by The_Rascal
Ok, apologies for asking this question again. but I am completely confused by the path requirements :$ ...
This is the path in my ftp program...
I have tried setting up a new folder structure - home/rascal/backups and entered that into the options for the plugin, but that didn't work either.
I'm not sure what the '.' represents in the paths...
Is that the right path for the path in the ftp screenie?
We are using a dedicated host, and have recently upgraded to 4.03...
Thanks for any help 