Listed below are the instructions given for this mod to work on your CMS page.
What must one do differently as per the instructions to get it as a forum sidebar?
* Goto Admincp->vBullietin CMS->Widgets->Create New Widget
* Choose PHP Direct Execution as Widget's Type
* Place a Title. eg Upcoming Events. Keep it short as this is what will appear as title on your pages.
* Click Save
* Click Configure on the right of the new created widget.
* Remove the default code that appears. Be sure to not leave behind even a single letter.
* Copy and Paste the code that you can find below.
* Leave the template name as is (vbcms_widget_execphp_page)
* Click Save
* Goto Admincp->vBullietin CMS->Layout Manager
* Click Go on the Default Layout
* Add the Widget to your Layout
* Click Save
* Download the attached and extract it.
* Upload tagcloud.swf to root directory of your vbulletin install
* That's all !!