Ah okay John that makes sense, sorry for the confusion.
I'm not 100% sure on this as its not something I've ever tried to do myself. The problem that we have in achieving it is that updating a user profile field requires editing a database entry (which will need a PHP script), but the forum homepage isn't setup to do that. So you'd probably have to write pretty heavy custom-code to get this to work. But, there is a simpler compromise solution that might be a bit easier, off the top of my head;
Make a conditional statement that says if user profile field is null (empty), display an HTML link and message to your /forum/profile.php?do=editprofile.
You can go two steps further (depending on how big a deal this profile field is for your board), which is to make it compulsary to have a setting for it in the profile field manager. This way, when they visit /forum/profile.php?do=editprofile they will have to save a selection before they can leave.
The second step is to make the contents of the conditonal statement a redirect. So if the user hasn't completed that profile field, they are redirected to /forum/profile.php?do=editprofile where they must then complete it.
Of course if you just want to save users the trouble of going to settings --> edit profile you could cut out one step just by adding a link straight to /Forum/profile.php?do=editprofile
I should point out that I may not be the best person to offer advice on this topic as user profile fields aren't an area of vbulletin that I have particularly played with and there may well be limitations that I am not aware of or easier ways of achieving what you want. I'm interested to see if you find a way to get your idea working, because it could potentially have a lot of applications.