Originally Posted by dbigras
For some reasons, ever since I installed VSA Chatbox, I see TONS of people on my site, but I think they are phantom connections because they are all in the Chatbox Archive and it affects my stats.
Originally Posted by BENSTER
Hiding your chatbox from unregistered users should do the trick. it sounds like the search engines are crawling all over it.
I have disabled it temporarily, but why would search engines come to my site JUST BECAUSE the Chatbox is enabled? Maybe the chatbox is causing a problem with VB4, because all the connected users where in the Archive.
Originally Posted by Videx
I dunno about that. Guests are allowed to see my chatbox, but right now not a single one of anybody is viewing the chatbox archive. I think it's some sort of odd server issue.
I usually have 50-100 connected users. I had 1780 users a few minutes ago, 90% in the chatbox archive. There's a bug someplace, not releasing connected users.