Thank you Olli2k,
I will try more mp3s, as the test ones did have spaces aka %20 I will attempt that again. However note that those with % 20 did play when they were within the same folder on the server.
Yes, I did notice and I was able to repair the absolute full path problem.
I will attempt the attachments again, however the URL isn't very simple to copy with the new attachment system.
Thank you for the Link, I was looking at that and may still use it. However I must worry about copyright, as I have an enemy that watches closely looking for mischief to report. Also I would like to be able to present local artist Play list who may have downloads for sale or in conflict with recording contracts, were I need to protect from becoming a distributor of bootlegs., not the most important.
I do wish I could restrict the use of the auto play to myself alone. but I'm not sure how to do that.
Again Thank you for your help, I will return after I try the suggestions