Originally Posted by rootsxrocks
Im'sorry if Im just being dence, however I am very confused as to were this "additional code" for the popup goes.
The is no additional code, it is a complete other "replacement". So just put in the whole code in the replacement box and it should work.
Originally Posted by rootsxrocks
I am able to get the MP3 bb code to work, but only with mp3's uploaded to the same folder as the player. Is this what I should expect?
No, you should nor expect this. The Player is able to play everey MP3 file with a complete url with no freespaced in it. for example
works, but
[mp3]http://url.com/track 1.mp3[ /mp3]
will not work.
Did you noticed this hint?
?If you got any trouble with the player is not showing up, just replace the relative path by an absolute path to your player.swf.
Originally Posted by rootsxrocks
I primarily would like to be able to play mp3 and wavs attachments, However A popup jukebox would be fantastic, If I could prevent downloads by non members.
I tested some attachment urls with the player and for me it worked. But you can never protect your files with this system! For the inline player there are some easy way, to get the mp3 url and in the popupversion you can easily get from the url. by using the attachment urls for the files you can prevent non member downloading your files but not your member who are allowd to download files.
A popup jukebox with bb code and multiple files seems to be impossible, because of the limited use of parameter in the standard system. But if you want to have a general jukebox for your site look at this: