Some progress made.
Yeah, I'm working with 4.0; I found this thread via a search so I didn't notice what forum it was in. I was hoping to find my answer without posting, as I usually do on forums like this.
OK, so I included global.php at the start of the script. I've got chdir('forums') before the bbcode parsing loop and chdir('..') after it.
I think half my problem is that my host parses both PHP4 and PHP5 -- I had a .htaccess file in /forums that interpreted files ending in .php as PHP5, but in my / folder it was still being interpreted as PHP4. No wonder it didn't like vB4's PHP5 scripts.
Now I'm running into dependency issues that remind me of using RedHat. In 2001.
on attempt to instantiate a new vB_BbCodeParser, I get:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_read_slave() on a non-object in /(elided)/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php on line 220
I tried a require_once on init.php but it didn't change anything.
Here's the full current code as it stands (global.php called in a different script which include()s this one)
/* Save the old version */
//echo "<p>".$news_threads[$counter]["postbody"]."</p>";
//attempting to do it with bbcode parser
// global $vbulletin; // declared in index.php
//require_once('./includes/init.php'); //uncommenting this line changes nothing
$bbcode_parser = new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list()); // I don't understand this line at all, just copied it from the forums
// next 2 lines currently commented out, which is how I determined where the problem lies, but they should work
$parsedNews = $bbcode_parser->do_parse($news_threads[$counter]["postbody"]);
echo "<p>$parsedNews</p>";
//end attempt to do it with bbcode parser
EDIT: Not sure if I should keep using this thread or repost the whole shebang in the right forum. ><