Ok, thanks for the prompt reply and your explanation.
I think the key here is that the mod does not need my game tracker account info, the vent server just needs to of been added there by me so they have a recold of it and your url in the iframe works.
As for the width, issue:
I am using vbadvanced, and I had a look at what is happening in firebug. It seems to be making an iframe that is 18% width for the iframe. My page column in which I'm trying to display the block is indeed 18% of the page. The mod is taking the vairable $vba_options[portal_rightcolwidth] and using that to display the iframe.
But of course, because this is in a <td> tag, its 18% of the cell, not 18% of the page width.
I opened up the ventrilo.php file and I see this:
PHP Code:
else if ($vtype==2) {
<!-- Start GameTracker Banner -->
<iframe src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/components/html0/?host=<?php echo $vip; ?>:<?php echo $vport;?>&bgColor=FFFFFF&titleBgColor=FFFFFF&borderColor=BBBBBB&fontColor=333333&titleColor=000000&linkColor=091858&borderLinkColor=5C5C5C&showMap=0¤tPlayersHeight=160&showCurrPlayers=1&showTopPlayers=0&showBlogs=0&width=<?php echo $width; ?>" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="<?php echo $width; ?>" height="348"></iframe><br /><br /><center><a href="ventrilo://<?php echo $vip; ?>:<?php echo $vport;?>/">Click here to connect</a></center><?php if ($vent_vbadvanced) { ?> <center>Vent Status by <a href=http://crimm.me>Crimm</a></center> <?php } ?>
and sure enough, further up, we also have this:
PHP Code:
if ($vent_vbadvanced) {
if ($vside == 0) { $width=$vba_style['portal_leftcolwidth']; }
if ($vside == 1) { $width=$vba_style['portal_rightcolwidth']; }
So, it would all work fine if we use a fixed width, but not fluid widths.
I suppose I could just change it by doing something like:
PHP Code:
if ($vent_vbadvanced) {
if ($vside == 0) { $width='100%'; }
if ($vside == 1) { $width='100%'; }
I think that's valid PHP?