Originally Posted by AoNxKiLLa
Is there a way I can make this work with a input field instead of a bbcode?
Also does anybody know how to add bbcodes to other fields? for example the thread title field?
Unfortunately for now that's not possible. We are working on a showthread option. But I can't tell for sure when we will include them in a release.
Originally Posted by Preech
What about widgets. Are there any.
I'm afraid there isn't any.
Originally Posted by naisho
Does this mean that in the advanced version, the links provided will keep the language parameter?
For instance, in the lite mod, I input an IMDB id and get the results in english. If I click on director's name, it leads to the english URL, instead of my language URL (french IMDB url).
I have answered this over our forum but for others knowledge, imdb france or the other custom websites are running seperate from eatch other. Sot that seems not possible either for now.