Also sent this question via PM, but reposted here for posterity's sake:
Originally Posted by andrewkhunn
I'm having some difficulty with the latest version of the Wowhead Item Stats script. Somewhere along the line, my users decided to create item links of the following variety:
[item=12345]Bijou's Belongings[/item]
These style links are now horribly broken. In fact, when introduced in an otherwise normal item link list such as:
[item]Bijou's Belongings[/item]
[item=12345]Bijou's Belongings[/item]
[item]Bijou's Belongings[/item]
Not only is the [item=12345]Bijou's Belongings[/item] entry returning orange brackets, but all valid item links below that entry in the same post are broken as well.
Can you think of any reason why this may be occurring and what a possible fix might be? We currently have around 3,238 posts affected by this issue and, short of doing a search/replace with some combination of PHP and SQL scripting, don't have a solution to get these malformed links working again.