Originally Posted by nyunyu
My forum is currently show threads from the beginning, sorted by Thread Title in Ascending order by default.
How can I change default setting to:
Show threads from the beginning, sorted by Last Post Time in Descending Order?
I need this setting to be permanent, i.e. this setting will be applied to all users. I believe I can run sql query correct? Can anyone give me the query to do this?
Many thanks.
You can change that on a forum per forum basis at Forum Manager-Edit Forum and the options you need are:
Default View Age
Default Sort Field
Default Sort Order
or you can change them for all the forums in one fell swoop at the phpmyadmin in the cp of your host by running the following queries:
To show threads from the begin:
UPDATE forum SET daysprune = -1
To sort by Last Post Time:
UPDATE forum SET defaultsortfield = 'lastpost';
Whereas to sort in a descending order:
UPDATE forum SET defaultsortorder = 'desc';
If your db tables have a prefix you should include that as well in the query. Hope it helps.