Originally Posted by ferret99gt
No problem, I'll see if I can whip it up myself. When I do, I'll send it your way for consideration. Maybe I can find an elegant way to do it that you'll like.
OK, I edited the mod for you and did it by adding a new custom user field.
You can add one checkbox field for users to hide/show the gamercard!
Multiple-Selection Checkbox field with this values and enter the field ID in the GamerCards Block Options:
Title: Hide GamerCards in Profile Sidebar?
Limit Selection: 0
Options: Yes, Hide GamerCards
Field Required: No
Field Editable by User: Yes
Private Field: No
Field Searchable on Members List: No
Show on Members List: No
Which page displays this option?: Options: Other
You can find this checkbox in: UserCP->General Settings
This is a quick way and is better than creating a new field to the DB.
note: I'm not supporting this version right now!!