Originally Posted by dankreiner
hey mike it seems we are both seeking help trying to get skyscraper ads going... have you accomplished this?
Negative.. I had it working perfectly when I had the vbAdvanced version installed. (CMPS)
It did everything automatically... So I took a gamble and purchased vBulletin's CMS version... and now realize I dont even need it, since the Widgets / Blocks are included without it.
But its very limited support with their Widgets / Blocks so far... So much so that it seems like we can only use it on the main forum page so far.. With CMPS, I was able to customize it anyway I wanted...with any page.
For instance, I had the 120 x 600 skyscraper ads on the Forum Post pages...and the bigger 160 x 600 skyscraper ads on the Forum Display pages.
With the way it is now, i'm not even sure which templates to edit. And if I ask support....of course their going to say something along the lines of "we don't support that". Even the most minor changes, they say these things. To the point where they practically force us to install other 3rd party plugins..
I still need the Banner after 2nd post thing as well.
EDIT : I wrote all this mumbo-jumbo thinking you replied to my post in that thread...and just now realize you replied in this one. Maybe a MOD could move both these posts to the right thread here -