Originally Posted by aggiefan
any chance you might get this ready to use with the new skyfire browser.... just got my beta and skyfire is awesome but this script does not redirect me to our mobile site like pocket IE does.
i dont know what specifically skyfire identifies itself as but its not currently working with this script and i suspet more and more users will be going to this browser because its awesome.
Originally Posted by dartho
@aggiefan - Use your PDA to browse your site with Skyfire, then form your PC check who is online, turn on display user agent and check the User Agent string of your skyfire browser. You can post it here, or send me a PM. Although if it does indeed render pages that well, you might want to add it to the exceptions list!
Skyfire's user-agent is Firefox so there is no way to check who is using Skyfire just by checking the user-agent. Skyfire has its own HTTP headers: x_skyfire_phone , x_skyfire_screen and x_skyfire_version. That is the only way to check who is using Skyfire but I guess this script created by dartho does not detect any other header different than user-agent.
By the way Skyfire is probably the only way to watch flash videos and flash streaming on Windows Mobile and Symbian