We are redoing a site to 4.0.?
Anyway its a Pontiac G6 forum and I need some custom folder icon help.
Looks like it needs to be 48 x 48 pixels.
Anyone wanna help???
Right now the default is:
Folder old:
Folder new:
Folder locked:
I was thinking about the Pontiac dart...maybe
red inside when new and grey when it wasnt. Filled with the lock added on for the locked folder icon.
Wouldnt mind something like this if you could alter it to look like the concept dart below...
Here is the concept dart...:
Or maybe something with G6 in it???
Maybe red filled for new (by new I mean there are new contents in that folder since you last visited).
Or anyone have any other ideas or can someone help with this?
Graphics is not my strongpoint.
IM open to ideas!!!