Originally Posted by -=Sniper=-
install the latest update and replace the vmoods template with this
HTML Code:
<li id="vmoods_list" class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl">{vb:phrase vmoods_my_mood} <img id="vmoods-mine" src="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/vmoods/{vb:raw vboptions.vmoods_icon_set}/{vb:var bbuserinfo.vmood}.gif" /></a>
<ul id="vmoods" class="popupbody popuphover" style="height:125px;overflow:auto;">
<vb:each from="vmoods_list" value="mood">
<li class="{vb:var mood}"><a class="vmood" href="index.php?" title="{vb:var mood}">{vb:var mood}</a></li>
After this you might need to mess around with the CSS to it get it looking the way you want...
I did this thinking it'd look better (I had it this way on my old 3.8.4 forum) but it knocks everything out of line.
...... I was very silly & didn't save the original code before replacing it with that & now can't get it back so have had to disable the hack.
Can someone post up the original code please.