Originally Posted by Null Parameter
It would be nice if people realized that developers don't surround their lives around a single project. Seriously, if people can't have patience, then I'm just going to mark this as Not Supported and be done with it, especially since I don't even have a vBulletin forum anymore and I'm doing this ONLY for you.
I uploaded a new version that should fix this issue, but again, since I don't have a forum of my own anymore, I have no way to actually test it.
You should theoretically be able to extract the template edits yourself from the product file, just as easily as I could, but because I'm just that nice, here they are....
I do not think anyone responded to your statement... Do they not read it or do they not really care???
Just wanted to tell you that I use this product and I APPRECIATE your efforts on this project even though you do not have vBulletin site anymore...
If you need to test it I would be willing to give you access to my test site as well as testing it on my live board!
Hope this helps you out and again THANK YOU for taking your time to offer a FREE product to us all!