Originally Posted by exyuteam
Thanks Valter for this update.... But, I still waiting for:
- Chatbox title
- Announcement in the chatbox
I think this is easy to add and useful options
- New thread and new post warning in the chatbox (in separate column OR inside other chats)
- Adding chatbox channels
would be also very useful options?
Hello Valter... Did you want to conisder to put this in next versions of Chatbox?
Originally Posted by Valter
As already explained earlier - First color is your style default, and it's automatically added. Second 'black' is one you defined in product options.
About this - if I use one skin (black), and someone use different (white), we have a problem. First, I will write with lite text color (white) and another user with dark text color (black). Can you do this - when I write with STYLE DEFAULT color, that text show on default skin color (on
dark skin, text will be
white, and on
white skin text will be
black!). Just custom text colors are displayed in choosen color.... This will solve many problems. Also, you can separate default color - maybee put it on top of color pickups, maybe text "Default" beside....
Thanks m8!
(littel explain in serbo-croatian:
Mozda nisam bas najbolje objasnio pa u najkracim crtama oko boja

Problem je ako su skinovi potpuno razliciti (tamni i svetli) i ako se u Chatbox-u pise defalt bojom, najlogicnije je da se taj tekst i ispisuje defaul text bojom za taj skin, pa ne bi moglo da se desi da se poruka napisana na svetlom skinu ne vidi dobro na tamonom i obrnuto. Takodje, u color-selecoru ne bibilo lose da se ta default boja posebno odvoji u potpuno posebnom redu na vrhu - preko koje (ili pored koje) bi moglo da pise DEFAULT. Mnogi tu prvu boju i ne konstatuju i ne primecuju kao default boju izabranog skina. HVALA UNAPRED DRUZE!)