Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
The display issues and the score saving issues have been addressed several times over, in the support forums.
Unfortunately they haven't been addressed for everyone. My topic in the support forum still remains without a fix, or any official support, since Oct last year. And apparently others have been having the same problem as me with their arcades.
The issue went away when I reinstalled the IbProarcade with VB4 (I was using V3 arcade for a while on 3.8, as members wanted to save their scores) and it was functioning correctly for a while. but now it has returned again. Members reported it had stopped saving scores again, during a period of time when I hadn't 'tinkered' with our forum for at least a couple of weeks. I can't work out the cause.
I've tried almost everything now, including adding the index page code, and nothing has worked. I'm at a complete loss