Originally Posted by Amit86
I have been using this great addon for a month now, its great.
Wanted to thank you personaly for the hard work!
If I could add more suggestions you might missed or things you havent tought of it would be the following: - Filter tickets by poster
- Search tickets
- Mass close tickets (using radio buttons)
- the ability to "assign" a ticket to a certain technitian
- statistics of products\departments
- make permissions per department, only permitted allowed to view\close ticket per department
- Limit poster to X open tickets
- add more status's and the ability to change status ourselves
- Email all related repliers in a ticket when it was replied (like Starred tickets)
Thanks again!
Hello Amit,
Thank you for your suggestion, I've marked them all, and see what I'll add and what not. Currently I'm improving microSUPPORT by adding:
- Ability to sell ticket points to those usergroups which are not permitting to submit tickets. Payments by PayPal and 2CO.
- Ability to write manuals. Technician post articles and they appear in listing like 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc
But this version will gets more time to come here. Here you can find always one version back from the commercial one. I think that this is more fair, than having lite version with only 50% of the features.