Originally Posted by Sarcoth
@ betts - Each box is assigned a number within the code. So, when the user checks the box, that is what is given. It is possible to do what you ask, but I it will only give back a single number no matter what. Out of curiosity, does it give you back a different number depending on what is checked or always the same thing, like 1? To be honest, I'm not sure of an easy way to get it to display what you check.
To everyone, school is really busy right now with this being the final month of the semester. I'll return to working on updates after May 10. Unless someone wants to write my economics term paper for me that is...oh well, it was worth a try. 
Yes it gives back a different nuber if i select different games
What i am trying to do is have this show our full members only what games they play
so each person knows who plays what games
i can work arround it a different way with many profile field single box but i thought it may work with check box and show, nut seems not