In file(s) ./clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js
Please ensure that you have downloaded an "uncompressed javascript" version of vbulletin.
* Handles quick reply data when AJAX says qr_ajax_post() is complete
* @param object YUI AJAX
function qr_do_ajax_post
make it to
// [HIDE] Hack Resurrection :: Expanded Edition :: Hide Reply Ajax Update
function hhr_get_posts()
if (hide_reply_xml.handler.readyState == 4 && hide_reply_xml.handler.status == 200 && hide_reply_xml.handler.responseXML)
var posts = fetch_tags(hide_reply_xml.handler.responseXML, 'post');
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++)
var postid = fetch_tags(posts[i], 'postid')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var message = fetch_tags(posts[i], 'message')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
fetch_object('post_message_' + postid).innerHTML = message;
if (is_ie)
// [HIDE] Hack Resurrection :: Expanded Edition :: Hide Reply Ajax Update
i don?t found this in the
and the next is
edit this one
In file(s) ./clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js
Please ensure that you have downloaded an "uncompressed javascript" version of vbulletin.
ajax_last_post = ajax.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('time')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
edit in this
// [HIDE] Hack Resurrection :: Expanded Edition :: Hide Reply Ajax Update
var anchors = fetch_tags(fetch_object('posts'), 'div');
var postids = '';
var tmppostid = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++)
if (anchors[i].id && anchors[i].id.indexOf('dis_hhr_hide_reply::') != -1 || anchors[i].id && anchors[i].id.indexOf('dis_hhr_hide_rt::') != -1)
tmppostid = anchors[i].id.substr(anchors[i].id.lastIndexOf('::') + 2);
tmppostid = tmppostid.substr(0, tmppostid.lastIndexOf('_'));
postids = postids + ',' + tmppostid;
if (postids != '')
hide_reply_xml = new vB_AJAX_Handler(true);
hide_reply_xml.send('ajax.php', 'do=hhr_get_posts&postids=' + postids.substr(1));
// [HIDE] Hack Resurrection :: Expanded Edition :: Hide Reply Ajax Update
i have found the uncompressed jave file on here
can one please upp this edit file vbulletin_quick_reply.js vor Version 4.0.2