Originally Posted by lazerguy_82
Thanks for the detailed explanation! I have one more question. How do I edit the email templates myself? Every time I click them they open in a new window, but I don't see an edit link.
You're welcome
Regarding your question on editing the email templates, there is a couple ways of doing this. 1. Highlight the template text and paste it into the textbox in the translation part then customize as desired. 2. Temporarily place your site in debug mode. This will allow you to edit the email the body of the email template in the upper portion of the form. You can place your site in debug mode by adding the following line of code on a blank line in your config.php file at the top right after the beginning php tag:
PHP Code:
$config['Misc']['debug'] = true;
Originally Posted by lazerguy_82
As for new version, please add the 'reset pwd' link to one of the emails. I believe the text version doesn't have it.
The text template already has a link for this.