Originally Posted by Paul M
I have no idea what you mean.
For example, in phpmyadmin you have a post table that contains all your posts that were made on your forum. If you have a total of 3 posts in your post table, your newest post would have a post id of 3, and the next post coming up would have a post id of 4 which is based on the auto increment value.
With this module, when you make a double post, it also increases your auto increment value. So if I make a double post, the post id will be 4, but the post after that would be 6 instead of 5.
The table might look like this:
postid | post
1 | first post
2 | second post
3 | third post
4 | fourth post + another post (double post)
6 | fifth post
7... and so on
Without increasing the auto increment value each time a post is added to a previous post:
1 | first post
2 | second post
3 | third post
4 | fourth post + another post (double post)
5 | fifth post
6... and so on
If you manage to do something like a triple, or quad post, it could look even worse:
1 | first post
2 | second post
3 | third post
4 | fourth post + another post + post + post
8 | fifth post
9... and so on
It's really something minor, and I doubt anyone else would care but I think it keeps the table looking more neat. I'm probably extra picky.