@Jaxel - German laws protect foreign copyright.
German copyright laws published on 9 September 1965, as last amended on 8 May 1998...
Article 121 Foreign Nationals
(1) Foreign nationals shall enjoy copyright protection with respect to their works published in the territory to which this Law applies, unless the work or a translation of the work has been published outside that territory more than 30 days prior to its publication within that territory. Subject to the same limitation, foreign nationals shall enjoy protection with respect to their works published in the territory to which this Law applies in translation only.
(2) Works of fine art which are an integral part of real property located in the territory to which this Law applies shall be assimilated to works published in that territory for the purposes of paragraph (1).
(3) The protection afforded under paragraph (1) may be limited by a statutory order of the Federal Minister for Justice for a foreign national who does not belong to a member State of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and, at the time of publication of the work, had his domicile neither in the territory to which this Law applies nor in one of the member States of the Berne Union, and if the State of which he is a national does not afford adequate protection to the works of German nationals.
(4) Foreign nationals shall further enjoy copyright protection as provided by international treaty. In the absence of such treaty, such works shall be protected by copyright if, according to an announcement by the Federal Minister for Justice in the Bundesgesetzblatt, German nationals enjoy in the State of which the author is a national equivalent protection for their works.
(5) Resale royalty right (Article 26) shall be available to foreign nationals only if the State of which they are nationals grants, according to an announcement by the Federal Minister for Justice in the Bundesgesetzblatt, German nationals an equivalent right.
(6) Foreign nationals shall enjoy protection under Articles 12 to 14 with respect to all of their works, even if the conditions contained in paragraphs (1) to (5) are not fulfilled.
I think there was an amendment in 2003 about academic copyrights, but it doesn't apply to you.