Originally Posted by Furcal15
How can I get my who's online to work properly with the tabs?
If you are viewing "Who's Online" it won't say what the user is doing unless it's a feature outside of the forums. So, if they are registering it will say it. But if they are posting/creating a thread it doesn't tell me what they are doing. It just says "User 1 is viewing Forum Home" etc etc.
The Tabs has its own whos online, but its only for when they are on Forum Home. If a member goes to create a thread or make a post, that has nothing to do with TFH, so I don't know what you are asking.
Originally Posted by karlm
Another fine product from Bobster!
Thank you good Sir.
One small niggle if I may... I'd really like to be able to edit the public name of the 'vbulletin blogs' to something more personalized, such as 'members blogs' or similar.
Could you advise on that, please?
You can do that via the Admin CP... just change the name of the tab for that module. Click on Tabs, click on Manage Modules (which brings up the modules list). Then click on Edit (for the module you are dealing with.. ie, blogs). Then Change the Module Name (which is the Display name for the Tab).
Originally Posted by roymogg
Hi Great Mod Bobster,
Went in very easily - I saw this below and included <noscript> tags around the 'old' forum display script (rather than delete) so crawlers (who only see text) can see the standard forum layout. Also if A user has script disabled the standard layout is shown.
thanks for a great mod
Ah, nice catch... just tested that and it works like a charm. I'll probably add this to the next release as an option. Thank you!
Originally Posted by karlm
Also, I just noticed, when the vbulletin blogs tab is added, it claims the number of relpies is the same as the number of views - which is incorrect.
And while i'm on the blogs subject, I think it would be awesome to see the blog owners avatar (reduced to 50x50) in the statusicon column instead of the 'new post' icon. Perhaps you may consider that for a future revision?
lol.. whoooooops. I'll get that fixed (the replies vs views).
I plan on releasing a few different types of blog modules with different looks and such. These modules can be written by anyone and used within this system (just so you know).