Originally Posted by delmarva
Okay... Please disregard editing the vBSEO hook --- That will give many images a re-write rule.
My solution:
I added "wiki/" to the "Excluded Pages" option in the vBSEO Control Panel.
Everything seems to be functioning correctly now.
Thanks again for your infos and solution!
It would be easier for further users to have all informations together but
not inside one thread only... transferring those to a 2nd support forum is too work intensive... I'm really interested what bepe will say, when he comes back...
I think it would be best not to support on two sites... Perhaps also other vb-Modifications will move to
vbmods.org since we can offer them more support possibilities (multiple Threads or even Forums, Wiki, ...) ... or perhaps vbulletin.org will change their policy and offer us more possibilities too.
Anyway: Thanks to all helping grow this mod!
Edit: vbmods.org is still under construction and therefore a part of SinnimLeben.net but fully functional.